Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rainbow Birthday Bash

 So this weekend we had Jacks 10th birthday celebration.
Last year at this time my husband lost his job so neither
of the boys had parties like they are used to
It broke my heart.
I promised myself that if hubby was working again at a good pay we would go all out!
And we did!
Jack had a
Sports and Sweets party
I had it between lunch and dinner time so all we had to serve was
snacks and candy.....oh and did we serve candy!

I got the idea for this awesome tablescape from
I LOVE the things she comes up with.  I didn't understand how to make her party circles or I would have ordered some....and I never heard I will definitely do that for the next party.
In addition to a candy buffet we also had chocolate covered marshmallows

and Oreo Truffles and Chocolate covered Oreos

Mother Nature was really on our side as a HUGE thunder storm rolled in earlier in the day, but
by the 1pm party time all was well.....humid as all get out....but sunny!
The kids played soccer, kickball, football and then went on our new water slide.  I was
going to rent one but then I stumbled upon on on sale at Kohl's and for ONCE had a 30% off
coupon so it ended up being more cost effective to just buy it!  The kids are thrilled!
Then it was on to the cake.... and MAN did this cake give me trouble!
I ended up making this cake 3 times....the first time I tried it, one of the layers
cracked....I continued to use it with icing as glue
then I added 2 more layers...HUGE error
it was falling apart.....ok one box of cake mix to experiment a new
way to make this cake...looked cool but too sent hubby to store on the way home from work....
and BINGO!!! I got it!

Needless to say I am VERY happy with how this cake turned out and so was Jack!


  1. What a beautifully colored cake! Do you make it that way with Jello???

  2. What a wonderful cake. Did you make the colors using different Jellos?

  3. That is an "Ultimate" cake! I love the pure and bright rainbow colors. Did you do it with jello powder?

  4. No I used the Betty Crocker gel food coloring. I can't believe how bright and vibrant they turned out! There were no measurements on the box of how many squeezes to use so I just guessed! The more the brighter I figured! LOL

  5. I love the rainbow cakes - thanks for the great tips. It looks a little tricky to master!

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  6. The best thing to do is use dowels to keep it stable once you start cutting...which I didn't do. You will have to let me know if you make one! I just saw some rainbow pancakes..which I plan to make for the kids first day of school!

  7. HI!!

    Just to let you know your party has been featured on Bird Crafts! :)

    Thanks again for linking up!!

