Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweltering in New England!

It is CRAZY hot here in NE this week.  We have not yet put in our air conditioners and I am in a foul mood.  See heat and I are NOT friends!
It makes me cranky, sick and more tired then I normally am...
which is pretty tired.

Other then that things have been pretty good.  I was entered into a radio contest to try and win a pool by a friend of mine.  I won tickets to a local water park for qualifying, which the kids
think is just great!
At the event I had Jack and Em with me....we didn't win the pool
and MAN was Emma MAD!  LOL  What!  she yelled, we didn't win the pool!
However we did come away with some prizes....Jack won a family pack of tickets to a local AAA
baseball game by winning at Simon Says.  I also got free Vitamin Water,
beach balls for the kids, and a Glee Madonna I was pretty happy.
After we left the radio event we decided to stop at some yard sales and such.
Got some great things for a Strawberry Swap I am doing.
And I also scored 2 books on smocking...which
I plan to gift to a woman who has inspired me by her blog....
and 4 patterns to make Emma some vintage dresses for preschool in the fall....
Now.......all I need to do is learn to sew better!  LOL

I have been paired for the swap with a lovely woman from the states who is a quilter....
I so want her to like what I make so I must truly take loads of time with this!  Knowing she is
great at sewing I am sure whatever she makes will be lovely as my last swap gifts...
which I PROMISE to post pics of soon.

The boys birthdays are coming up soon and I am in full on party planning
mode.  Jack only wants a few little friends to come, so
we are doing a Double Digit Sports Spectatular with a water slide too.  Since it
is so hot lately I am sure it will be a big hit.  James is having a Wacky Water War
party.  We plan to have all the kids bring water guns, buckets of
water balloons and of course the water slide, which I scored super
cheap at a sale at Kohls....we were going to rent one and this cost the same to buy it!  I was SO

I am trying to branch out and make more crafts but then the weather got so hot
and I was not feeling well and I fell off the wagon.  Now
that the a/c is being put in I hope that this
week I will get back to it!

And finally I have said it before and I will say it again....I really should have been
born in the UK.....I have found so many wonderful things
from there....recently I purchased a few little tidbits from the Cath Kidston....I have
not yet opened it as I was much too hot and irritable and I want to truly
enjoy seeing my new of which is a new
mug for my coffee.....I will think of my new UK friend Louisa when I
sip from it!  Hope you all have a lovely week


  1. aaah bless, I'm sure you coffee will taste so much better in a CK mug. It definitely makes my tea taste better :o). Hope you get your air con in soon, the heat makes me cranky too, unless I'm sat somewhere cool with a glass of wine lol. Hope the boys enjoy their parties. xxx Pixie xxx

  2. Hi There Mama Bug! I've been scouting around for fun items for the strawberry swap too. I have several things in mind that you may like.
