Saturday, November 5, 2011

A long and crazy summer....

Hello everyone!  Finally fall is here and maybe just maybe
my insane life can get back to normal!

This past summer has been filled with incredible highs and devastating lows....
The summer started off great....we bought a new house and were looking forward
to swimming in our new pool.....
my daughter was cast in her first ever theater production...
The Wizard of a Munchkin in the Lullaby League!
Yes she wore all the book version all the Munchkins wear blue~!
She did the first 4 weeks of the summer show, they triple cast the Munchkins....
It was a wonderful time for both of us....getting to see her perform on the same stage
that I worked on while pregnant with her brought
so much joy and happiness to my heart.
I was so excited to share my love of theater with her and she seemed to love

Then the bad stuff father got sick in the beginning of July and it eventually turned into a massive blood infection that would take his life on July 23rd......
laying my father to rest was one of the most painful things I have ever had to do....
I have always been a Daddy's girl and knowing that he would
not get to see my children grow up just about broke my heart....
I am just ever so grateful that they were all old enough to know and love him.....and most important of all
remember him
Two weeks after my Fathers funeral I had surgery.  I had been suffering from
extreme anemia and they found that I had a giant fibroid in my uterus that had to go....
so it did!  I have finally started to feel human again after 3 months......needless to say
all the bad things delayed most of our unpacking as I was in no mood or condition to do
any of here we are with the winter snows already
upon us and finally starting to get things done around here......

I hope to have some projects to share with you soon.....we are decorating our daughters
new bedroom and I am making her a vanity and a
dress up cabinet from an old dresser
......found that one on pinterest.....

Do you Pinterest?  It is fast becoming my new obsession....I will NEVER have enough hours in my LIFE to make all the things I have pinned!  LOL

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