Saturday, April 2, 2011

Has it really been 6 months???!!!

 I had not realized it has been this long since I have posted until today!!!  I don't even know if anyone is still out there wondering where I am???
Well right after my last post I became extremely sick.  I was exhausted beyond belief, dizzy and sick to my
stomach all the time, and out of breath walking just a few feet.
I thought at first I might have walking pneumonia or maybe a heart issue. I honestly could
barely get out of bed in the morning, but with 3 kids I really didn't have a choice.
I finally went to the Dr in December because I had developed a sinus
infection and that was the last straw....she ran bloodwork when
I explained my other symptoms....and promptly called me that day
to tell me to get myself to the ER immediately that I might need a
transfusion!!! WHAT???  It seems I have an extreme form of I went but they didn't give me a transfusion because I wasn't passing levels were very low...after many tests and visits to my Ob/Gyn I am on the road to recovery......I am now on high doses of iron
and I will be having surgery to stem the cause of the iron loss once my
levels are normal and a transfuion isn't necessary.  I still have a long way to go before I am back
to normal but I feel 100 times better then I did in October!

Although I have been sick life has to go on and we have been very busy despite it all....
I have done what I can and gone to what I could but it was a struggle....
I am going to make a real effort to
start posting more with pictures and such......I hope some of you are still checking in once and a while and that you will be here to read now that I am getting
back on track.....tomorrow look for the first
of my daughters two birthday parties....she turned 4
on April 1st and we had a Spongebob sort of weekend!  Post on that tomorrow!


  1. So sorry to hear that you have been unwell. Wishing you better health and a smooth recovery. Take care!

  2. sorry you have been so poorly, must have been a real worrying time for you. i'm glad your on the mend now. I will write to you soon, life has been so manic here I just haven't got around to it. enjoy your little ones birthday party, speak soon, xxxx Pixie xxxx

  3. Thanks girls! I am still feeling badly and have moved up my next Dr appointment...hoping to get some answers...parties for my girl were good...will post soon!
