Sunday, April 17, 2011

Everything in Threes I Guess???

So they say everything happens in threes....I am really starting to believe that!
We got a new puppy this past February....I know
CRAZY!!  But we had lost our beloved Pookie
in December of 09 and we were finally ready to
love again....into our lives came Teddy...
He is a little 3.5 pound love!
Well Friday when the boys got home from school, they were
on the lawn playing catch with a friend...the friend
overthrew the ball to Jack.....and poor Teddy...
He got hit in the head!!!!  FREAK OUT does not even begin to describe
how I reacted.....Husband calmed us all down, took him to the vet...
and after some doggie aspirin and a very long
worrisome night Teddy is right as rain!
We are so thankful....this made me realize how very
special he has become to me....and while he will
never be Pookie he is our baby and we
love him just as dearly!!!

Tomorrow begins our school Spring break and I am so glad
not to have to worry about homework, getting up early or going to bed on time
We are going to spend the whole week doing crafts, cleaning the basement,
bike riding and just hanging out!  I cannot wait!
Have a wonderful week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Your new doggie is really cute. Glad he is OK after the ball accident.
