Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My FIRST Blog Award!!!! OMG!!!

Thank you so much to Kathy from Cottage Garden Quilter for this honor!
I have very few followers but maybe that will change now!  Kathy has a lovely artful blog about quilting.  I met her when we were paired in an online Strawberry Swap which was so much fun!  Please take a minute when you can and check out Kathy's beautiful blog!  Scroll down to see my Smilebox featuring all the lovely things Kathy sent me in the swap including her handmade table runner....gorgeous!


1.  My favorite thing in this whole world are my kids.  I never thought I would be able to have them, so to be blessed with 3 is truly a miracle.  

2.  I love to sing and wish that I had more time for that.  I miss being in plays and choirs, but there is just not enough time in our busy lives right now.

3.  There are so many crafts that I like to do.....I am learning to sew, I like to make hairbows for my little lady, and I would really like to learn to quilt someday....I also scrapbook, paint and decorate cupcakes.

4.  My favorite color is pink but I am slowly leaning towards turquoise lately....though I don't think I will ever give up my love of all things Princess and Pink. Having a girly girl in the house and really opened my whole pink world up!  :)

5.   I am an organizational mess and am trying to change that....I really wish I could hire a cleaning's the day to day stuff that gives me the most issue!

6.  I am a certified teacher K-6 but only taught one year before having my kids....I have been a SAHM since then.  And while parenting is WAY harder then being a nanny ever is the best thing I have ever done and I don't miss teaching AT ALL!

7.  I love to make cupcakes and I would love to go to Pastry School and learn all the cool techniques and then open up a bakery/coffee shop....this would also satisfy my coffee addiction! LOL

So there you have it 7 things about me!

And NOW for my nominations......and the nominees are......

Amanda from Soulemama   lovely earthy blog about life and crafting

Alicia from Posie Gets Cozy  a wonderful blog on life, crafting, cooking 

Louisa from Faerie Nuff an English blog about baking, sewing and all manner of goodness

Sarah from This Year in Photos  a photography blog of visual loveliness

Ellen from Healing Heart Reiki  Spiritual and healing blog full of kindness and love

Janelle from the Janelle Wind Collection  Amazing blog from Australia on quilting, sewing, photography.....and so much more

Kim from Tom Kat Studio  the most amazing lifestyle and party blog

Lisa from Lisa Leonard online  beautiful and inspiring blog

Kate from Kate Landers Events  Magical Party Planning Blog located in Boston!

an lastly but not leastly

Lolly from Lollychops  an awesome blog chock full of crafting goodness!

If you happen to visit these bloggers, leave them a comment and let them know that Michele from MamaBugs Musings sent you!

The conditions of this award are that all recipients must:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award
2. Write 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic ( I realize I don't have 15 but as of yet I don't read 15 blogs)
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked to let them know about the award

Thanks again Kathy......I would have nominated you!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the sweet award! I really appreciate it!!!!!

    Crafty HUGS!
