Sunday, June 6, 2010

OMG One year!

As I was writing my last post I realized that it has been almost one year since I started this little blog!
Time sure does fly~!
I haven't posted as much as I wanted to and I plan to try and do more.  I want
to take pictures every day of things we do around the house...
crafts we are working on.....
and so on and so forth.

I know that alot of ppl have giveaways when their blogs have an anniversary....
so I am thinking I would like to do that....
but what to giveaway....
I don't craft as much as I would like.....and nothing jumps to mind to make...
I don't collect anything that I could give away.......
With only 4 followers I think I can manage something....and perhaps even get a few more!
Please leave a comment and tell me which of the following giveaways
you would prefer:
A fabric giveaway.....with a few different fabrics that I think are sweet
A surprise itty bitty theme package...with little bits and bobs that I find enjoyable

I would love your rush as the giveaway won't run until the month of July!

Thank you for joining me on this little ride in blog land.....I have met so many wonderful ppl
and learned so many new things.....I hope to continue and grow

Oh yes and a bit of help if you could....feel free to email me....I would like a signature on each post and have
no idea how to do any help there would be appreciated
Also can you use different fonts then the ones provided and if so HOW?
And finally when I do post about the giveaway how does one make a button for others to share????  I know I am completely clueless....must figure it all out sooner or later right?
Thanks again my friends....have a wonderful week!


  1. I too am coming up on both a bloganniversary and my 100th post. Maybe they will even coincide! I want to do a give away this summer. We can muddle thru it together.

  2. How exciting! I am no where near 100 posts but I sure am going to try to post more this year then last. I am off to check out your blog as well!
