Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shoes, Science Camp and SHREK......Oh My.....

Happy Belated Easter Everyone!!
We had the most wonderful weather this past weekend and the temp was up to 80 on Wednesday.....CRAZY!  It has snowed at this time of year in the warming anyone?

Shoes Shoes little darling girl did the funniest, cutest thing yesterday while we were shopping with a friend at Kohls...we were in the shoe dept and she wanted to try on some heels.....I am not a heel wearer....never really was, but now that I am at home almost 100% of the time heels just don't work....and the heels I wear when going fancy are a chunky heel that works with slacks.  Anyway, I let her try on three pairs....Her first selection was black patent leather below:

Got to love it right!  Well she quickly moved on to the snakeskin and man can the girl work it!

Hysterical!  My mother used to call me Imelda Marcos because I had soooo many shoes....looks like I have a mini Imelda in the making no?  LOVE it!

So this week is very quiet in our house as James is off at a science camp with the whole 6th grade.  I am a very nervous mother so even though he does go to Scout camp every summer I am still a nervous wreck that I can't even chat with him while he is gone.  He is back tomorrow afternoon and while I have enjoyed spending more time with Jack I am looking forward to him being home safe and sound.....I hope he had an amazing time and took loads of photos!

And lastly SHREK!  Have any of you heard of  It is a place where you apply to host a party to introduce you and your friends to new and exciting products and companies.....I don't know if they do this in the UK but they should.  You get to sample products, have a nice get together with friends with no pressure to buy anything...great fun!~  Anyway I just applied to host a Shrek/McDonalds movie night!  I REALLY hope that I get picked....we love SHREK and Mickey D's as we call it.  I would set up a big screen in the yard to show the DVD and all the kids get Mc Nuggets and tons of other Shrek goodies....the kids and all their friends would go nuts for this!  Then we could plan to go and see the new Shrek awesome is THAT going to be!  We love these movies so much!  Jack even had a Shrek party when he was 3...back then there was no product so I had to make him a costume....I will add that photo later when I am on the other computer....needless to say he was ADORABLE in it!  Anyway, go and check it out you can sign up to host all sorts of different parties and they will give you everything you need to make it a success!
Photo added: Jack as SHREK!

That picture of SHREK I drew so they could play a game....I forget what now?  I think it was his helmet? 


  1. Your little one looks so cute in those shoes. My mum has a photo of me at about that age wearing a pair of her heels, I think we've all done it at some point. Shrek and Mc Donalds party sounds great, we could do with that here in the UK, I think I'd have a Cath Kidston, shabby chic party with wine and champagne :o). Hope you had a good Easter, and ate lots of chocolate. Not sure if you got my e-mail but I posted your swap goodies yesterday, so you should have them soon. xxx Pixie xxx

  2. Yes I did get your email and replied...please let me know if you got it.

    The party thing isn't something you decide on your own, they offer many different products and you apply to host...thought I would say I WISH we had Cath Kidston stuff here.....I looked at it after seeing it on your site and it is soooo pretty!

  3. Thank you so much for your prayers they are greatly appreciated,it is a wonderful thing you have done xxx
    I am sorry you suffered the same pain and for your loss,it is truly a heartbreak for any mother.
    Oh my how gorgeous is your daughter? too cute! adorable! beautiful!
    Love Kristina xxX

  4. Your little girl is totally rockin' those shoes.. you guys are going to have to get her a closet just for them I bet!!!


  5. Thanks Lolly....and I will be more then happy to make her that closet! My mother used to call me Imelda Marcos because of all my shoes! Apple didn't fall far from the tree.....makes me so happy to have a girly girl!
